
Psychiatry Experts

Scott S. Hall

Associate Professor
Psych/Interdisciplinary Brain Sciences
Stanford University
United States of America


Dr. Scott S. Hall primary area of scholarly and clinical interest is the pathogenesis of problem behaviors shown by individuals diagnosed with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), particularly those with neurogenetic forms of IDD, such as fragile X syndrome, Cornelia de Lange syndrome and Prader-Willi syndrome.

Research Interest

His work aims to both advance understanding of these disorders and to identify effective new treatment approaches for pediatric and adult patient populations by state-of-the-art methodologies, such as brain imaging, eye tracking and functional analysis to determine how environmental and biological factors affect the development of aberrant behaviors in these syndromes. The end goal of my research is to create patient-specific methods for treating the symptoms of these disorders.


  • Problem behaviour in adolescent boys with fragile X syndrome: relative prevalence, frequency and severity. Journal of intellectual disability research Hall, S. S., BARNETT, R. P., Hustyi, K. M. 2016

  • The cognitive developmental profile associated with fragile X syndrome: A longitudinal investigation of cognitive strengths and weaknesses through childhood and adolescence. Development and psychopathology Quintin, E., Jo, B., Hall, S. S., Bruno, J. L., Chromik, L. C., Raman, M. M., Lightbody, A. A., Martin, A., Reiss, A. L. 2016; 28 (4): 1457-1469

  • Optical-imaging-based neurofeedback to enhance therapeutic intervention in adolescents with autism: methodology and initial data. Neurophotonics Liu, N., Cliffer, S., Pradhan, A. H., Lightbody, A., Hall, S. S., Reiss, A. L. 2017; 4 (1): 011003

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