Sia Nassiripour
Department of business
Stevens Institute of Technology
United States of America
Sia Nassiripour is a professor in the department of at stevens institute of technology. His reseacrh interest area include business and management.
Research Interest
His reseacrh interest area include business and management.
H. Wong, Nassiripour, S., Raza, M. and Healy, W.(2011) "Transfer Price Setting in Multinational Corporations", International Journal of Business and Social Science, This paper won the New Jersey Policy Research Organization Foundation (NJPRO) Bright Ideas Research Award, 2012. 2: 11-14.
S. Basu, S. Nassiripour, M. Raza,H. Wong. "Dynamic capabilities or positioning? Integrating environmental and resource-led antecedents of firm performance", Journal of Management and Marketing Research, Forthcoming.