David G. Anderson
Department of Anthropology
Tennessee State University
United States of America
Prof. David G. Anderson working as Professor at Department of Anthropology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee.
Research Interest
Eastern U.S. prehistoric and historic archaeology, archaeological method and theory, heritage resource management/public archaeology, development of cultural complexity, colonization and migration
Anderson DG. Climate and culture change in prehistoric and early historic eastern North America. Archaeology of Eastern North America. 2001 Jan 1:143-86.
Anderson DG, Smith SD. Archaeology, History, and Predictive Modeling: Research at Fort Polk, 1972-2002. University of Alabama Press; 2003 Aug 20.
Anderson DG, Maasch K, Sandweiss DH, editors. Climate change and cultural dynamics: a global perspective on mid-Holocene transitions. Academic Press; 2011 Jul 28.
Anderson DG, Sassaman KE. Recent developments in Southeastern archaeology. Washington, DC: SAA Press; 2012.