
Food & Nutrition Experts

Fred Theobald

Board member
Food and nutrition
The Esus Group, Inc.
United States of America


    Mr. Theobald founded his first company in 1999 and joined forces with Mr. Bradshaw in 2004 to form The Esus Group, Inc. Mr. Theobald brings over 30 years of experience in helping companies improve sales, marketing, business development, strategic planning, general management and international operations. He has traveled the world for business, having worked in over 40 countries and has been able to transition the experience gained in large, successful Fortune 100 global operations to the smaller business level. Consequently, he is able bring the same tools and functions available in large businesses, with unlimited resources, to the smaller business world where resources are limited but the functions are still necessary for success and growth. Mr. Theobald began his business career in sales and marketing before moving on to new product development, building US and international launch plans for products that eventually became major contributors to the product portfolios for one of the world’s top companies. Part of the scope of his responsibilities at that time included the writing and directing the implementation of the strategic plan for a division of that company, which resulted in the division hitting its goal and becoming the first Billion Dollar division within that Corporation. From there Mr. Theobald took on responsibility for the entire export operation of another Fortune 100 company, managing operations throughout 70 countries. He eventually established affiliate operations in 7 countries within the export operation. After that Mr. Theobald became General Manager over a $350 million operation, which included 5 manufacturing facilities supplying products to other markets of the world. As a Partner in ESUS, Mr. Theobald’s goal is to help its manufacturers reach far beyond the US boarders through exporting USA produced food & beverage products, and distributors of these products increase sales and profits by selling high quality products. Fred works closely with the Food Export Association and the US Embassy personnel around the world.  

Research Interest

  Nutrition and Dietetics

Global Experts from United States of America

Global Experts in Subject

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