
Social & Political Sciences Experts

David Madlock

Department of Political Science
The University of Memphis
United States of America


Mr. Madlock specializes in African American Political Thought and Urban Politics. He has created two courses titled African American Political Thought from 1619 to 1900 and African American Political Thought from 1900 to the Present. He is currently a Hooks Fellow with the Benjamin L. Hooks Institute for Social Change and was formerly its Associate Director. Mr. Madlock has spent time successfully lobbying Congress and the State of Tennessee for funding for the Institute. Madlock works with the Memphis City School system on various projects relating to curriculum development for inner-city children. Madlock is currently the faculty advisor for Pi Sigma Alpha. Mr. Madlock teaches courses in American Government, African American Political Thought, pre-1900 and post-1900, and Issues in Urban Politics. He joined the faculty full time in the fall of 1997.

Research Interest

Political Science

Global Experts from United States of America

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