Dr. Gary Burin
Senior Managing Toxicologist
science and technology
TSG Technology science group
United States of America
Dr. Gary Burin is an internationally recognized expert with over 30 years of experience in regulatory toxicology. He consults on matters concerning pesticides, food contact and ingredients, veterinary drugs, industrial chemicals, consumer products and pharmaceuticals. He has extensive experience in working with regulatory officials at U.S. EPA and FDA, and with similar agencies in the European Union, Canada and other countries. Dr. Burin has served on numerous agency, inter-Agency and international workgroups and as an expert witness in litigation. During his tenure at EPA, Dr. Burin served as Section Head, Manager of the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity Peer Review Committee, Executive Secretary of the FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel, and as a member of the Carcinogenicity Peer Review Committee and the Reference Dose Committee of the Office of Pesticide Programs. He received the Silver Medal from the U.S. EPA Administrator for his work in coordinating the risk assessment of ethylene dibromide and three Bronze Medals for other significant contributions to the work of EPA. While on the staff of the International Programme on Chemical Safety at the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland, Dr. Burin managed and participated in expert working groups on the evaluation of potential health effects of pesticides, food additives, veterinary drugs, consumer products and drinking water contaminants, including the Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR) and the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants (JECFA). He managed the revision of the WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality, an effort that spanned several years and included the evaluation of over 300 chemicals. Dr. Burin is the former President of the National Capital Area Chapter of the Society of Toxicology and the International Society for Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. He is an Adjunct Professorial Lecturer at the George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Sciences.
Research Interest
It includes pesticides, food contact and ingredients, veterinary drugs, industrial chemicals, consumer products and pharmaceuticals.potential health effects of pesticides, food additives, veterinary drugs, consumer products and drinking water contaminants.