G. Brian Burke
Managing Director, Program Unit
Center for Technology in Government
University at Albany
United States of America
Burke is the managing director of the programing unit at CTG, where he is responsible for designing and managing projects and developing new research opportunities. He also represents CTG on state, national, and international level advisory and work groups and at various academic and other professional conferences. He began working at CTG as a program associate in 2003. One of Brian’s major contributions has been his focus on the management and preservation of government electronic information. He has worked closely with local and state agencies throughout the United States and with federal agencies both in studying the issue and helping develop practical strategies for improving government information management and preservation capabilities. More recently, Brian’s work in this area has expanded internationally to China. In addition, his work has been directed at return on investment analysis for government information technology and studying how policy, technology, and organizational factors interact to improve government’s ability to integrate processes and share information across traditional organizational boundaries. Prior to CTG, Brian worked for AT&T Government Solutions in the Office of the U.S. Secretary of Defense. Before that, he served as an officer in the United States Air Force.
Research Interest
Managing and preserving government electronic information; assessing the value of government information technology investments; Cross-boundary and multi-organizational information sharing in government
Harrison, Teresa M., et al. "Open government and e-government: Democratic challenges from a public value perspective." Information Polity 17.2 (2012): 83-97.
Pardo, Theresa A., Taewoo Nam, and G. Brian Burke. "E-government interoperability: Interaction of policy, management, and technology dimensions." Social Science Computer Review 30.1 (2012): 7-23.