
Psychiatry Experts

Julie Ann Weast

Assistant Professor
Department of Psychiatry
University of Cincinnati
United States of America


I am interested in expert perception of affordances (specifically by athletes), perceptual-motor control in adults and children, expert perceptual-motor development, perception in a virtual environment, and identification of perceptual information in the kinematics of movement.

Research Interest

I am interested in expert perception of affordances (specifically by athletes), perceptual-motor control in adults and children, expert perceptual-motor development, perception in a virtual environment, and identification of perceptual information in the kinematics of movement.


  • Weast, J.A., Wirth, T.D., Haibach, P. C., Shockley, K., & Riley, M. (In Progress). Informational constraints on perception of maximum reach-with-jump for others...

  • Weast, J.A., Walton, A., Chandler, B., Shockley, K., & Riley, M. (2014). Kinematic information, athletic experience and affordance perception for others. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 21 (3), 823-829.

  • Weast, J. A., Shockley, K., & Riley, M. A. (2011). The influence of athletic experience and kinematic information on skill-relevant affordance perception.. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006), 64 (4), 689-706.

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