Charles D. Booth
School of law
University of Hawaii
United States of America
Professor Booth returned to the faculty in January 2006 after spending 16 1/2 years at the University of Hong Kong. He teaches Asian-Pacific Insolvency Law, Second Year Seminar (with a focus on Asian-Pacific Commercial Law Topics), Secured Transactions. Corporate Reorganization, and Equitable Remedies. He is the Founding Director of the Institute of Asian-Pacific Business Law (IAPBL).
Research Interest
insolvency law and commercial law
Charles D. Booth, Securitization in Emerging Markets, Including Government Promotion of Securitization: A Comment on Hill and Arner, 12(2) DUKE JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE & INTERNATIONAL LAW 533-536 (USA, 2002), available at
Charles D. Booth, Current Trends in Consumer Insolvency in Hong Kong, Chapter 9, in Johanna Niemi-Kiesilainen, Iain Ramsey &William C. Whitford (eds.), Consumer Bankruptcy in Global Perspective 187-202 (Oxford and Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing, 2003.
Charles D. Booth, Drafting Bankruptcy Laws in Socialist Market Economies: Recent Developments in China and Vietnam, 18(1) COLUMBIA JOURNAL OF ASIAN LAW 93-147 (USA, 2004), available at