Charles E. Colman
Assistant Professor
School of law
University of Hawaii
United States of America
Professor Colman joined the Richardson faculty in August 2016, after spending three years at NYU School of Law as an Acting Assistant Professor of Lawyering. At Richardson, he teaches courses on intellectual property law, jurisprudence, conflicts of law, and other subjects.
Research Interest
intellectual property law, jurisprudence, conflicts of law
About Ned, 129 Harv. L. Rev. F. 128 (2016)
Design and Deviance: Patent as Symbol, Rhetoric as Metric—Part 2, 56 Jurimetrics J. 1 (2015) (peer-reviewed)
The Mythology of the Anaesthetic: Refusal, Repression, and Misrecognition of the Aesthetic in American Legal Culture (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2018)