Chung-yi Chiu
Assistant Professor
Kinesiology & Community Health
University of Illinois at urbana champaign
United States of America
She is an Assistant Professor in department of Kinesiology & Community Health at University of Illinois.
Research Interest
Professor Chiu’s research investigates issues related to the health and quality of life of people with chronic illnesses and disabilities. Much of her work focuses on people with multiple sclerosis and cancer survivors. Within the population of multiple sclerosis, she has examined the mediating effects of exercise, diet, and stress management on functional disability and health-related quality of life; dietary and physical activity self-management; and the effectiveness of the Health Action Process Approach as a health promotion model.
Lee, B., Iwanaga, K., Pfaller, J., Chan, F., Chiu, C.-Y., Moser, E., & Rumrill, P. (2017). Psychometric validation of the Multiple Sclerosis Environmental Support Scale: A brief report. Rehabilitating Counseling Bulletin. (under review)
Learmonth, Y. C., Adamson, B. C., Balto, J. M., Chiu, C.-Y., Molina-Guzman, I. M., Finlayson, M., Barstow, E., & Motl, R. W. (2017). Investigating the needs of healthcare providers for promoting exercise in persons with multiple sclerosis: A qualitative study. Disability and Rehabilitation. (in press).
Brooks, J., Iwanaga, K., Chiu, C.-Y., Cotton, B., Deiches, J., Morrison, B., Moser, E., & Chan, F. (2017). Relationships between self-determination theory and theory of planned behavior applied to physical activity and exercise behavior in chronic pain. Psychology, Health, & Medicine. (in press)