
Medical Sciences Experts

Fatima T. Husain

Associate Professor
Department of Speech and Hearing Science
University of Illinois at urbana champaign
United States of America


She has done her B.E., Computer Engineering, University of Mumbai, M.S., Computer Science, North Dakota State University, Ph.D., Cognitive and Neural Systems, Boston University.

Research Interest

Throughout her career, Dr. Husain has focused on auditory, speech, and language processing in the brain using neuroimaging (fMRI) and computational modeling techniques. She recently expanded her research to include the study of disorders such as tinnitus (ringing in the ear) typically associated with hearing loss.


  • Horwitz, B., Husain, F.T. , Guenther, F.H. (2005). Auditory object processing an d primate biological evolution , Behavioral Brain Sciences, 28: 134.

  • Husain, F.T. , Tagamets, M. - A, Fromm, S.J., Braun, A.R., Horwitz, B. (2004). Relating neuronal dynamics for auditory object processing to neuroimaging activity: A computational model and fMRI study . NeuroImage, 21, 1701 - 1720

  • Husain, F.T. , Nandipati, G., Braun, A.R., Tagamets, M. - A., Horwitz, B. (2002). Simulating transcranial magnetic stimulation during PET with a large - scale neural network model of the prefrontal cortex and the visual system . NeuroImage , 15 (1):58 - 73.

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