Matthew Rispoli
Assistant Professor
Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences
University of Illinois at urbana champaign
United States of America
He has done his Ph.D., Developmental & Educational Psychology, Teachers College, Columbia, 1986. currently he is an Assistant Professor in Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences at Illinois University.
Research Interest
Dr. Rispoli's general area of expertise is developmental psycholinguistics — how children acquire language and how their linguistic abilities develop. His areas of research include the development of grammar and sentence production.
Ionin, T. P.I., Rispoli, M. Co-P.I., Montrul, S. Co-P.I. Conference: Galana 2016 – Input Variation and Language Acquisition. NSF 1551968; National Science Foundation; February 15 2016 – January 31 2018; $24,910.
Hadley, P. P. I. Rispoli, M. Co-P.I. Simple Strategies to Accelerate Children’s Early Grammatical Growth. R21HD071316 National Institute of Child Health & Human Development. March 1 2012 – February 28 2014; $416,899
McKee, C. P. I.; Rispoli, M., & McDaniel, D., Co-P. I. Workshop on the Development of the Language Production System. NSF 0439943; National Science Foundation; October 19-22 2005; $29,141.