
Nutrition Experts

Nicholas A. Burd

Assistant Professor
Kinesiology and Comm unity Health
University of Illinois at urbana champaign
United States of America


He has done his Postdoctoral research fellow in Department of Human Movement Sciences at Maastricht University Medical Centre, Netherlands, Doctor of Philosophy at McMaster University, Master of Science in at Ball State University. Currently he is an Assistant Professor of Kinesiology and Community Health and faculty affiliate of Division of Nutritional Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL USA.

Research Interest

Dr. Burd’s area of research interest is exercise physiology. Our research group investigates the effects of nutritional and exercise manipulations on the regulation of muscle mass and changes in body composition with aging, disease, and the athlete. We use stable isotope labeled amino acid tracers, and various other molecular techniques, for the in vivo measurement of whole body and muscle protein turnover in a human model. The knowledge gained from this work is used to define nutritional and exercise strategies to improve muscle health and performance.


  • Camera DM, West DW, Burd NA , Garnham A, Phillips SM, Hawley J, Coffey V. Low m uscle glycogen concentration does not suppress the anabolic respon se to resistance exercise. J Appl Physiol. 2012 May 24, PMID:22628371

  • Yang Y, Churchward-Venne TA, Burd NA , Breen L, Tarnopolsky, Phillips SM. Myofibrillar p rotein synthesis following ingestion of soy protein isolat e at rest and after resistance exercise in elderly men. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2012 Jun 14;9(1):57, PMID:226984 58

  • Wall B, Dirks M, Verdijk L, Snijders T, Hansen D, V ranckx P, Burd NA , Dendale, van Loon LJ. Neuromuscular electrical stimulation increases musc le protein synthesis in elderly, type 2 diabetic me n. AJP–Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2012 Sep;303(5):E 615-23, PMID:22739107

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