André Kézdy
University of Louisville
United States of America
André Kézdy, Professor at University of Louisville. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1991.
Research Interest
Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Computational Complexity
Jobson AS, Kézdy AE, Lehel J, White SC. Detour trees. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 2016 Jun 19;206:73-80.
Brauch TM, Kezdy AE, Snevily HS. The Combinatorial Nullstellensatz and DFT on Perfect Matchings in Bipartite Graphs. ARS COMBINATORIA. 2014 Apr 1;114:461-75.
Ahmed T, Kézdy A, West DB. Remembering Hunter Snevily.