
Chemistry Experts

Emmanuel C. A. Ojadi

Associate Professor
Chemical physics, laser spectroscopy and applications, photo
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
United States of America


Emmanuel C. A. Ojadi is an Associate Professor in the department of Chemical physics and photochemistry, photophysics and photobiology of porphyrins and analogous systems. He earned his Ph.D. from Brandeis University, 1986.. He earned his B.Sc. from University of Ife in the year 1979. He also did his M.A in the year of 1982.

Research Interest

 Photochemistry, Photobiology and Photophysics of Porphyrin Compounds and their applications to energy transformation processes involving oxidation reduction reactions; charge transfer processes and photodynamic therapy of subcutaneous tumors; photorefractivity of porphyrin polymers, photoelectrochemistry on porphyrin coated electrodes and thin films. Synthesis of novel porphyrin compounds and their analogs; Cellular growth from porphyrin substrates.


  • Multiple decay pathways and electron transfer in excited ion-paired zinc-copper porphyrins: laser photolysis and time resolved EPR spectroscopy", E. Ojadi, M. Hugerat, H. Levanon, H. Linschitz, and L. Biczok, Chem. Phys. Letters, 1991, 181, 400.

  • A Proton NMR Study of the Reactions with Acid of meso-Tetraphenylporphyrins with Various Numbers of 4-Dimethyl amino Groups", R. I. Walter, E. Ojadi, and H. Linschitz, J. Phys. Chem., 1993, 97, 13308.

  • Sequential Protonation of meso-(p-Dimethylamino)phenylporphyrins: Charge-Transfer Excited States Producing Hyperporphyrins," E. Ojadi, H. Linschitz, M. Gouterman, R. I. Walter, J. S. Lindsey, R. W. Wagner, P. R. Dropadi, and W. Wang, J. Phys. Chem., 1993, 97, 13192.

  • Triplet EPR studies of ion-paired metalloporphyrin heterodimers"; M. Hugerat, A van der Est, Emmanuel Ojadi, L. Biczok, , H. Linchitz, H. Levanon and D. Stehlik; The Journal of Physical Chemistry (1996) 100, pp. 495-500

  • Structure of 3,4-diphenyl-2,5-dicarboxylic acid acetic acid disolvate"; Paula Prayzner, Emmanuel Ojadi, James Golen and Paul Williard; Acta Crystallographica (1996) C54, pp. 665-667

  • Crystal Structure of N-acetyliminodiacetate dimethyl ester"; Paula Prayzner, Emmanuel Ojadi, James Golen and Paul Williard; Acta Crystallographica, (1996)C52, pp. 112-113

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