Cynthia L. Rowe
Associate Professor
Public Health Sciences
University of Miami
United States of America
Cynthia Rowe, Ph.D. is Research Associate Professor of Public Health Sciences at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine’s Center for Treatment Research on Adolescent Drug Abuse (CTRADA). Since 1994, she has contributed to the Center’s work to refine, test, and disseminate family-based interventions for adolescents with delinquency, substance abuse, and related problems. She works actively to promote the translation of research findings into practice, and to train clinical providers to implement Multidimensional Family Therapy (MDFT). Currently, she is PI of a grant from NIAAA to conduct a randomized clinical trial of two innovative family interventions for youth identified with alcohol problems. She was Co-PI of the Florida Research Center of NIDA’s CJDATS collaborative, helping to design and test an innovative cross-systems version of MDFT with integrated HIV prevention delivered to detained youth. She was PI of a NIDA-funded R01 investigating the long-term effects of this integrative MDFT “Detention to Community” drug abuse and HIV prevention intervention. She was also integrally involved in a multisite randomized controlled trial of MDFT in 5 countries in Western Europe (Rowe et al, 2013). She was also PI of a NIDA-funded randomized clinical trial examining the effects of MDFT for clinically referred youth in Greater New Orleans impacted by Hurricane Katrina. She has been a peer reviewer of health services research grants for NIH since 2006. In addition to contributing peer reviewed research and clinical articles, she co-edited a comprehensive volume dedicated to treatment research on adolescent substance abuse (Liddle & Rowe, 2006).
Research Interest
• Families • Adolescents • Substance Abuse • Systemic Interventions • Treatment Effectiveness • Intervention Implementation
Liddle, HA and CL Rowe , Family Measures in Drug Abuse Pr evention Research. In: Drug Abuse Prevention through Family Interventions, NIDA Monograph No. 177, R Ashery, E Robertson, and K Kumpfer eds., National Institute on Drug Abuse, 324-372, 1998.
Dakof, GA, CL Rowe, CE Henderson, M Boustani, W Wang, PE Greenbaum, and HA Liddle. Changing Adolescent Substance Use and Criminal Activity in Juvenile Drug Court: Improving Outcomes through Family-based Treatment. Jour nal of Family Psychology, 29(2): 232-241, 2015.
Rowe, CL, L Alberga, GA Dakof, CE Henderson, R Ungar o, and HA Liddle. Family-Based HIV and STI Risk Reduction for Drug-Involved Young Off enders: 42-Month Outcomes. Family Process, 55(2): 305-320, 2016.