Mansur Kabuka
Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of Miami
United States of America
University of Virginia, Ph.D. in Computer Engineering. (1983) University of Miami, M.S. in Computer Engineering. (1979) Alexandria University, B.S. in Computer Science. (1974)
Research Interest
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Jean Mary, Y. R., Shironoshita, E. P., Kabuka, M. R. (2009).Ontology Matching with Semantic Verification. Elsevier Journal of Web Semantics(JWS), to, 7, 235-251.
Xu, J., Shironoshita, P., Vissar, U., John, N., Kabuka, M. R. (2015).Converting Instance Checking to Subsumtion:A Rethink for Object Queries Over Practical Ontologies. International Journal of Intelligence Sience, Vol. 5.
Xu, J., Shironoshita, P., Vissar, U., John, N., Kabuka, M. R. (2015).Module Extraction for Efficient Object Queries Over Ontologies With Large ABoxes. Artificial Intelligence and Applications.