Jeannette Stein
Associate Professor
United States of America
Dr. Stein began teaching at UM-Flint in 2005. She is a Regional Representative for the Midwestern Psychological Association: MPA meets every May in Chicago. Submissions are due each November. If students are interested in presenting here, they are encouraged to contact her.
Research Interest
My primary research interests include functions of the right hemisphere, asymmetry in decision making, belief updating and handedness. I am also interested in language processing and gender differences in memory. My current research involves studying how brain differences (particularly differences in access to the right hemisphere) affect beliefs in god.
Stein, J.M. & Shore, W. (2012). What do we know when we claim to know nothing? Partial knowledge of word meanings may be ontological, but not hierarchical. Language & Cognition. 4, 144-166.
Framing Effects: The influence of handedness and interhemispheric interaction. Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition, 17, 98-110.
Horgan, T. G., Stein, J.M., Southworth, J., & Swarbrick, M. (2012). Family Matters: Gender Differences in Memory for what Others Say. Journal of Individual Differences,33, 169-174.Stein, J.M. (2012).