Keith R Johnson
Oral Biology Department
University of Nebraska Medical Center
United States of America
Dr. Keith R Johnson is a professor at Oral Biology Department, college of Dentistry, University of Nebraska Medical Center. Education: B.A. (Major: Chemistry; Minor: Mathematics), University of Minnesota B.Ed. (Chemistry, Physics & Math Education), University of Minnesota Ph.D. (Major: Cell Biology; Minor: Biochemistry), University of Minnesota
Research Interest
The main focus of our laboratory is the role cadherins and catenins play in tumorigenesis. Cadherins are cell-cell adhesion molecules that are the transmembrane component of the adherens junction. Catenins comprise the intracellular plaque proteins of the junction that serve to connect the cadherin to the cytoskeleton. The cadherin family of proteins has been implicated in cell sorting events during normal development. Thus, cells expressing different cadherins sort out from one another. Sorting can depend not only on expression of different family members but also on expression of different levels of a single cadherin. Tumorigenesis is a complex event that involves altered regulation of cell growth patterns and altered interactions of cells with one another and with the extracellular environment.
Katoch, P., Mitra, S., Ray, A., Kelsey, L., Roberts, B.J., Wahl, J.K., Johnson, K.R. and Mehta, P.P. The Carboxyl Tail of Connexin32 Regulates gap junction assembly in human prostate and pancreatic cancer cells. 2015. MBC 290:4647-62
Roberts, B.J., Svoboda, R.A., Overmiller, A.M. Lewis, J.D., Kowalczyk, A.P., Mahoney, M.G., Johnson, K.R. and Wahl III, J.K. Palmitoylation of Desmoglein 2 is a Regulator of Assembly Dynamics and Protein Turnover. 2016. J Biol Chem 291(48):24857-24865
Huang, H., Svoboda, R.A., Lazenby, A.J., Saowapa, J., Chaika, N., Ding, K., Wheelock, M.J. and Johnson, K.R. Up-Regulation of N-cadherin by Collagen I-activated Discoidin Domain Receptor I in Pancreatic Cancer Requires the Adaptor Molecule Shc1. 2016. J of Biological Chemistry 291(44):23208-23223.