Shayla D. Yoachim
Assistant Professor
Department of Oral Biology
University of Nebraska Medical Center
United States of America
Education: B.S. (Education & Human Sciences), University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska Ph.D. (Genetics, Cell Biology, and Anatomy) University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, Nebraska
Research Interest
Clinical anatomy education, Curriculum development and clinical education research, including course development, implementation of active learning and student-centered pedagogical approaches, and evaluation of the efficacy of these methods and Genetics, immunology, and hormone signaling
Yoachim, S.D., Nuxoll, J.S., Bynote, K.K., and Gould, K.A. (2015). Estrogen receptor alpha promotes Sle1-induced loss of tolerance and immune cell activation and is responsible for sex bias in B6.Sle1 congenic mice. Clinical Immunology, 158, 153-166.