
Engineering Experts

Paul Moses

Industrial and system Engineering
University of Oklahoma
United States of America


Dr. Moses received his doctoral degree in Electrical Power Engineering from Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia, in 2012.  His doctoral research focussed on the effects of nonlinear electromagnetic disturbances on three-phase power transformers. He was awarded a Letter of Commendation by the Chancellor of the University for his research. From 2007 to 2009 and 2012 to 2014, Dr. Moses was employed full-time as an Electrical Engineer for the Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG), Australian Department of Defence. He performed research and engineering support for combat systems for the Australian Collins Class Submarines at the naval base in Garden Island, Western Australia. Upon finishing his doctoral studies, Dr. Moses accepted a position in DSTG’s Power and Energy Systems Group in Melbourne, Australia. He worked as a power systems specialist supporting several naval projects. He was a lead engineer for developing one of several high-budget naval power system test facilities. He has also been called upon to serve as a subject matter expert on behalf of the Australian government for leading technical investigations on multi-megawatt electrical plant issues aboard naval vessels

Research Interest

Power quality and stability of power systems and electrical machines,Insulation systems in transformers and rotating machines,Nonlinear electromagnetic disturbances

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