Robert Huck
Industrial and system Engineering
University of Oklahoma
United States of America
Robert Huck previously served as the chief engineer for the Center for Applied Research and Development (CARD), a senior research associate in the Atmospheric Radar Research Center at the National Weather Center and an adjunct lecturer in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Huck's research interests include: unmanned vehicles, surveillance and detection systems, optical networking and other fun toys. He holds two U.S. patents, and has authored or co-authored over 25 peer reviewed articles and publications.
Research Interest
unmanned vehicles, surveillance and detection systems, optical networking and other fun toys
Huck RC, Al Akkoumia MK, Herathb RW, Sluss Jr JJ, Radhakrishnanb S, Landersc TL. A demonstration of a low cost approach to security at shipping facilities and ports. InProc. of SPIE Vol 2010 Apr 23 (Vol. 7666, pp. 76662J-1). Wang S, Cui L, Cheng S, Zhai Y, Yeary M, Wu Q. Noise adaptive LDPC decoding using particle filtering. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 2011 Apr;59(4):913-6.