
Psychiatry Experts

Erin Koterba

Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
University of Tampa
United States of America


Koterba recently published a study in a peer-reviewed journal documenting how parent communication influences infants’ exploration of objects, work she is currently extending to infants who are at risk for developing Autism Spectrum Disorders. She currently has several additional projects in some stage of publication underway. Koterba is an active member of several research societies, including the Society for Research in Child Development, the International Society on Infant Studies and the International Society on Gesture Studies.   She frequently presents her work at the international meetings for these societies.Most recently, she spoke at the International Conference on Infant Studies about the development of joint attention in infants who later receive an Autism diagnosis.

Research Interest

Erin Koterba specializes in developmental psychology.  She is particularly interested in how communication develops in childhood and has studied this in both typically developing children and in infants and toddlers who are at risk for Autism.


  • Koterba EA, Iverson JM. Investigating motionese: The effect of infant-directed action on infants’ attention and object exploration. Infant Behavior and Development. 2009 Dec 31;32(4):437-44.

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