Hwee-joo Kam
Assistant Professor
University of Tampa
United States of America
Kam has published in various journals and refereed conference proceedings. These include Computers & Education (impact factor: 2.881), Journal of Information Privacy & Security, Journal of Information Systems Education , and 2013 International Conference of Information Systems (ICIS). In summer 2015, Kam earned a scholarship to participate in a one-week workshop of Women Institute in Summer Enrichment (WISE) in the cybersecurity discipline (Summer 2015) at the University of California, Berkeley. In the same year, Kam was awarded another scholarship to attend a three-day for SEED Cybersecurity Workshop at Syracuse University.
Research Interest
Hwee-Joo Kam is very interested to teach secure coding, database security and management, and secure command lines. Her areas of research include organizational security, cultural effects on security and motivational issues related to security practices.
Figg WC, Kam HJ. Medical information security. International Journal of Security (IJS). 2011;5(1):22.
Siau K, Kam HJ. e-Healthcare in ABC county health department (ABCCHD): trade-offs analysis and evaluation. Journal of Information Technology. 2006 Feb 1;21(1):66-71.
Kam HJ, Katerattanakul P. Structural model of team-based learning using Web 2.0 collaborative software. Computers & Education. 2014 Jul 31;76:1-2.