
Social & Political Sciences Experts

Suzanne Y. Ensmann

Assistant Professor
Department of Education
University of Tampa
United States of America


Ensmann's research has found that game-based learning often evokes empathy from learners to the point that these learners become advocates for improvement. For this reason, she developed a prototype of a game-for-change to teach about the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child treaty to begin the process of systemic change to afford all children basic human rights. In the past few years, Ensmann has organized travel to Haiti to rebuild homes and care for orphans. Upon her return, she created IDS service-learning syllabi to transfer her experience and continue serving while educating. Within the U.S., Ensmann has run marathons to raise money for cancer research. Additionally, she secured grant funds for her students to use wearable technologies (FitBits) to get-fit and persist in education. Her research and experience reflect direct correlation of increased physical activities and mindfulness with educational gains and performance.

Research Interest

Suzanne Ensmann's top priorities of academic interest include creating meaningful and effective instructional design based upon pedagogically sound learning theories. Her goal is to incorporate students’ hyper-communication and ubiquitous computing skills of the 21st century in the classroom. Ensmann believes students should experience the value of servant leadership and a global education.

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