Randy J. Zauhar
Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of the Sciences
United States of America
Randy J. Zauhar, has got his Phd from Penn state University, USA, Cuurently he his working as professor of chemistry and bio chemistry at university of the scieneces. He has many publication in national and international Journals.
Research Interest
"Computational chemistry, Bioinformatics, Computer-aided drug design"
Swalina CW, Zauhar RJ, DeGrazia MJ, Moyna G. Derivation of 13C chemical shift surfaces for the anomeric carbons of oligosaccharides and glycopeptides using ab initio methodology. Journal of Biomolecular NMR. 2001 Sep 1;21(1):49-61.
Zauhar RJ, Moyna G, Tian L, Li Z, Welsh WJ. Shape signatures: a new approach to computer-aided ligand-and receptor-based drug design. Journal of medicinal chemistry. 2003 Dec 18;46(26):5674-90.
Nagarajan K, Zauhar R, Welsh WJ. Enrichment of ligands for the serotonin receptor using the Shape Signatures approach. Journal of chemical information and modeling. 2005 Jan 24;45(1):49-57.