Alan White
University of Wisconsin
United States of America
Dr. Alan Whiteis a full professor in the University of Wisconsin Colleges Philosophy Department.He teach freshman and sophomore level courses almost exclusively – the UWC, composed of 13 campuses across the state, is mainly a transfer-feeder institution for the other 13 baccalaureate campuses. He received Awards in 1996 in Wisconsin Professor of the Year, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and in the year 2009 Chancellor's Award for Outstanding Achievement.
Research Interest
Asian Philosophy, Contemporary Moral Issues, Environmental Ethics, Ethics, Elementary Logic, Introduction to Philosophy, Philosophy of Love, Sex, and Friendship, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Sport, Social & Political Philosophy
Single-Topic Introductory Philosophy--An Update, Teaching Philosophy June 1996, 137-144.
Quick Thinking? Not So Fast! Sorites #15, December 2004, and Chronos: Proceedings of the Philosophy of Time Society 2004.
B-Time: A Reply to Tallant (with L. Nathan Oaklander) Analysis 67, 2007, 332-340.