
Reproductive Medicine Experts

Theresa Duello

Associate Professor
Department of Gynecology
University of Wisconsin-Madison
United States of America


Dr. Duello received her PhD in Human Anatomy from the University of Iowa in 1978 under the tutelage of Dr. Nicholas Halmi. She then pursued postdoctoral research training in Reproductive Endocrinology at Colorado State University and in Cell Biology at Yale University. She has been a faculty member in the School of Medicine and Public Health since 1982. The first twenty years of her career focused on cell and molecular studies of the regulation of hormone production by the pituitary and placenta. In 2002 she spent a sabbatical leave at the Center for Research on Minority Health at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center focusing on culturally competent outreach to populations underrepresented in medical. She has integrated the knowledge gained into studies of the disparate burden of low birth weight and prematurity to specific populations as well into her efforts to recruit students underrepresented in STEM. In addition, she teaches undergraduate courses on health disparities and works as a Champion with the Center for Medicine After the Holocaust (CMATH) to design curricula to emphasize the need for medical history to inform our training of future health professionals and scientists.

Research Interest

cell and molecular studies of the regulation of hormone production by the pituitary and placenta.

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