Steve Blank
Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics
Virginia Tech University
United States of America
Dr. Steve Blank is currently working as a Department Head and Professor in the Department of Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics , virgina tech university , USA. His research interests includes agricultural markets and price analysis, financial and risk management, and profitability in agriculture. He is serving as an editorial member and reviewer of several international reputed journals. Dr. Steve Blank is the member of many international affiliations. He has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities. He has authored of many research articles/books related to agricultural markets and price analysis, financial and risk management, and profitability in agriculture.
Research Interest
Agricultural markets and price analysis, financial and risk management, and profitability in agriculture.
Forero, L., J. Oltjen, S. Blank, and N. Taylor, “Performance Advantage of Wintering Cattle on California’s Sacramento Valley,†Rangelands, 36, 5 (2014): 1-6.
Boys, K. and S. Blank, “The Evolution of Local Foods: A Retrospective and Prospective Consideration,†chapter 2 in J. Stanton (ed.) The Meaning of Local Foods: A Food Marketing Management Perspective: Saint Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, 2016.
Blank, S., T. Saitone, and R. Sexton, “Calf and Yearling Prices in the Western United States: Spatial, Quality, and Temporal Factors in Satellite Video Auctions,†Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 41, 3 (2016): 458-480.