
Chemistry Experts

Sidney Altman

Yale Department Of Chemistry
Yale University
United States of America


Education: B.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1960 Ph.D. University of Colorado, 1967 Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University, 1967-69 Visiting Research Fellow, MRC Laboratory, Cambridge, England, 1969-71 Honors: Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1989 American Academy of Arts and Sciences, National Academy of Sciences, 1990 Honorary Degrees: Université de Montréal 1990, York University (Toronto) 1990, Connecticut College 1990, McGill University 1991, University of Colorado 1991, University of British Columbia 1991, Dartmouth College 1996

Research Interest

concerned with the function and structure of ribonuclease P in both bacteria and human cells. We investigate the properties of these enzymes and what they are doing in vivo. We are also exploring the use of RNase P and so-called external guide sequences to activate various genes in bacteria and mammalian cells.


  • T. Jiang & S. Altman. Protein-protein interactions with subunits of human nuclear RNase P. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 2001, 98, 920-925.

  • V. Gopalan, A. Vioque, & S. Altman. Varieties of RNase P: A nomenclature problem? RNA 2000, 6, 1689-1694.

  • D.A. Pomeranz Krummel & S. Altman. Verification of phylogenetic predictions in vivo and the importance of the tetraloop motif in a catalytic RNA. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 1999, 96, 11200-11205.

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