
Biochemistry Experts

Onn Brandman

Canary Center at Stanford
United States Virgin Islands


He is a Assistant Professor of Biochemistry.He is a Doctoral Dissertation Reader (AC) and Postdoctoral Faculty Sponsor .His research interest include how cells ensure protein quality and how they signal stress. To achieve this, he has employ an integrated set of techniques including single cell anaysis of stress pathways, structural studies, in vitro translation, and full genome screens in yeast and mammalian cells.

Research Interest

Protein quality and how they signal stress and techniques including single cell anaysis of stress pathways, structural studies, in vitro translation, and full genome screens in yeast and mammalian cells.


  • Brandman O, Stewart-Ornstein J, Wong D, Larson A, Williams CC, Li GW, Zhou S, King D, Shen PS, Weibezahn J, Dunn JG. A ribosome-bound quality control complex triggers degradation of nascent peptides and signals translation stress. Cell. 2012 Nov 21;151(5):1042-54.

  • Shen PS, Park J, Qin Y, Li X, Parsawar K, Larson MH, Cox J, Cheng Y, Lambowitz AM, Weissman JS, Brandman O. Rqc2p and 60S ribosomal subunits mediate mRNA-independent elongation of nascent chains. Science. 2015 Jan 2;347(6217):75-8.

  • Brandman O, Hegde RS. Ribosome-associated protein quality control. Nature structural & molecular biology. 2016 Jan;23(1):7.

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