Ananda P. Dasanayake
Epidemiology and Health Promotion
New York University
United States Virgin Islands
PhD, Epidemiology, University of Alabama at Birmingham 1993 MPH, Int Dental Public Health, University of Alabama at Birmingham 1988 BDS, Dentistry, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka 1980
Research Interest
Epidemiology of dental caries. Prevention of transmission of Mutans Streptococci from mother to infant. Perinatal periodontal health and poor pregnancy outcomes. Dental health services utilization by minorities. Barriers in meeting Healthy People 2010 objectives in relation to dental sealants. Oral Cancer Epidemiology. Mid-level providers in dentistry.
Childers, N K; Stinnett, E A; Wheeler, P; Wright, J T; Castleberry, R P; Dasanayake, A P. "Oral complications in children with cancer". Oral surgery, oral medicine, & oral pathology. 1993 Jan;75(1):41-47
Caufield, P W; Cutter, G R; Dasanayake, A P. "Initial acquisition of mutans streptococci by infants: evidence for a discrete window of infectivity". Journal of dental research. 1993 Jan;72(1):37-45
Caufield, P W; Cutter, G R; Dasanayake, A P. "Initial acquisition of mutans streptococci by infants: evidence for a discrete window of infectivity". Journal of dental research. 1993 Jan;72(1):37-45
Wright, J T; Cutter, G R; Dasanayake, A P; Stiles, H M; Caufield, P W. "Effect of conventional dental restorative treatment on bacteria in saliva". Community dentistry & oral epidemiology. 1992 Jun;20(3):138-143
Piyathilake, C J; Hine, R J; Dasanayake, A P; Richards, E W; Freeberg, L E; Vaughn, W H; Krumdieck, C L. "Effect of smoking on folate levels in buccal mucosal cells". International journal of cancer. 1992 Oct 21;52(4):566-569