Chuanyi Tang
Assistant Professor
Old Dominion University
United States Virgin Islands
Ph. D. in Retailing; Minor: Social Psychology, University of Arizona, (2010) M.A. in Management, Renmin University of China, (2004) B.S. in Engineering; Minor: Management, Donghua University, (1997)
Research Interest
Toward a value co-creation framework in the Business-to-Business context: exploring customer interactions and experiences with Port of Virginia
Tang, C., Mitthias, M., Eastlick, M., Card, N., and He, W. (2016). Exploring the Relationships between Electronic Word-of-mouth and Firms’ Financial Performance: Findings from the Banking Industry. International Journal of Information Management, 36 (6), (pp. 1124-1132).
Tang, C., Guo, L., and Gopinath, M. (2016). A Social Cognitive Model of Consumer Well-Being: A Longitudinal Exploration of the Role of the Service Organization. Journal of Service Research, 19 (3), (pp. 307-321).
Zhang, Q., Tang, C., McLaughlin, P., and Diggs, L. (2017). Individual and Store Characteristics Associated with Brand Choices in Select Food Category Redemptions among WIC Participants in Virginia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 4 (14), (pp. 364-374).