Robert M. Mcnab
Old Dominion University
United States Virgin Islands
ROBERT M. McNAB, Professor, received his Bachelor of Arts from California State University, Stanislaus in 1991 and his Ph.D. in Economics in 2001 from Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia. He has published articles in the Applied Economics, Defense and Security Analysis, Industrial and Corporate Change, National Tax Journal, Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, Public Budgeting and Finance, Small Wars and Insurgencies, and World Development, among others. He has served as a referee for Defense and Peace Economics, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Journal of Public Economics, Public Finance and Management, Public Finance Review, Public Finance and Budgeting, Review of Financial Economics, World Development and other journals. He is also a board member of Public Finance and Management and Management and Organizational Review. His research interests include the outcomes of fiscal decentralization, organizational behavior, and the application of econometric tools to defense policy problems. Professor McNab joined the faculty of Old Dominion University in July 2016. Previously, Professor McNab was a member of the faculty of the Naval Postgraduate School in August 2000.
Research Interest
Fiscal Decentralization, Economics of Defense, Corruption
Agarwal, V., and McNab, R. (2016). The Hotel Industry: The United States, Virginia, and Hampton Roads.The State of the Region: Hampton Roads 2016 (pp. 43-76). Norfolk, VA: Center for Economic Analysis and Policy.
Agarwal, V., and McNab, R. (2016). Life in the Slower Lane: The Hampton Roads Economy.The State of the Region: Hampton Roads 2016 (pp. 3-42). Norfolk, VA: Center for Economic Analysis and Policy.