Stephen Lanivich
Assistant Professor
Old Dominion University
United States Virgin Islands
Ph. D. in Business Administration & Entrepreneurship, Florida State University, (2011) M.A. in Economics, Walsh College of Business, (2007) B.B.A. in Finance, Walsh College of Business, (2005)
Research Interest
Entrepreneurial mindset and cognition, perception of resources, opportunity evaluation and fit
Mallon, M., Lanivich, S., and Klinger, R. The right stuff: Configurations of human, social, and financial capital as predictors of new family firm success. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings
Van Iddekinge, C. H., Lanivich, S., Roth, P. L., and Junco, E. (2015). Social media for selection? Validity and adverse impact potential of a facebook-based assessment. Journal of Management