Alexander Zale
Research Fish Biologist
Montana Cooperative Fishery Research Unit
The U.S. Geological Survey
United States Virgin Islands
Education Ph D University of Florida 1984 MS Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 1980 BS University of Massachusetts 1978 Research Interests Aquatic wild life conservation, restoration, and management: native fishes, prairie fishes, thermal ecology, sport and commercial fishery management, population dynamics and effects of exotic fishes, effects of environmental degradation and habitat on recreational salmonid fisheries, Central American fisheries. Teaching Interests Human Dimensions of Fish and Wildlife Management (WILD 525)
Research Interest
native fishes, prairie fishes, thermal ecology, sport and commercial fishery management, population dynamics and effects of exotic fishes, effects of environmental degradation and habitat on recreational salmonid fisheries, Central American fisheries.
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Distributions of Small Nongame Fishes in the Lower Yellowstone River