Daniel Day
Wildlife Biology
The U.S. Geological Survey
United States Virgin Islands
Daniel Day, Wildlife Biologist Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Duties include field and laboratory research on wildlife, including study of their diet and habitat they occupy. Current research focuses on resource utilization by various avian species residing or over-wintering on the Chesapeake Bay.
Research Interest
Resource utilization by various avian species residing or over-wintering on the Chesapeake Bay.
Acute toxicity, histopathology, and coagulopathy in American kestrels (Falco sparverius) following administration of the rodenticie diphacinone, Rattner, Barnett A.; Horak, Katherine E.; Warner, Sarah E.; Day, Daniel D.; Meteyer, Carol U.; Voler, Steven F.; Eisemann, John D.; Johnston, John J.
Evaluating a portable cylindrical bait trap to capture diamondback terrapins in salt marsh, Henry, Paula F.; Haramis, Michael; Day, Daniel
Standardization and application of an index of community integrity for waterbirds in the Chesapeake Bay, USA, Prosser, Diann J.; Nagel, Jessica L.; Marban, Paul; Ze, Luo; Day, Daniel; Erwin, R. Michael