Environmental Sciences

Environmental Sciences Experts

Daniel Manier

The U.S. Geological Survey
United States Virgin Islands


Daniel Manier,Research Manager/Ecologist USGS

Research Interest

monitoring sagebrush ecosystems


  • U.S. Geological Survey science for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative—2015 annual report,Bowen, Zachary H.; Aldridge, Cameron L.; Anderson, Patrick J.; Assal, Timothy J.; Bartos, Timothy T.; Chalfoun, Anna D.; Chong, Geneva W.; Dematatis, Marie K.; Eddy-Miller, Cheryl; Garman, Steven L.; Germaine, Stephen S.; Homer, Collin G.; Kauffman, Matthew J.; Huber, Christopher C.; Manier, Daniel J.; Melcher, Cynthia P.; Miller, Kirk A.; Norkin, Tamar; Sanders, Lindsey E.; Walters, Annika W.; Wilson, Anna B.; Wyckoff, Teal B.

  • Estimated historical distribution of grassland communities of the Southern Great Plains, Reese, Gordon C.; Manier, Daniel J.; Carr, Natasha B.; Callan, Ramana; Leinwand, Ian I.F.; Assal, Timothy J.; Burris, Lucy; Ignizio, Drew A.

  • Monitoring the southwestern Wyoming landscape—A foundation for management and science,Manier, Daniel J.; Anderson, Patrick J.; Assal, Timothy J.; Chong, Geneva W.; Melcher, Cynthia P.

Global Experts from United States Virgin Islands

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