Diane Larson
Wildlife Biology
The U.S. Geological Survey
United States Virgin Islands
Diane is a Research Wildlife Biologist with Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center, located at the University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN. Her background is in plant-and-animal interactions. The current focus of Diane's research is the intersection of invasive plants, prairie reconstruction, and pollinators.
Research Interest
Biodiversity Ecological processes Ecosystem functions Ecosystems Grasslands
A guide for establishing restoration goals for contaminated ecosystems,Wagner, Anne M.; Larson, Diane L.; DalSoglio, Julie A.; Harris, James A.; Labus, Paul; Rosi-Marshall, Emma J.; Skarbis, Krisin E.
Factors affecting post-control reinvasion by seed of an invasive species, Phragmites australis, in the central Platte River, Nebraska.Galatowitsch, Susan M.; Larson, Diane L.; Larson, Jennifer L.
Exotic plant infestation is associated with decreased modularity and increased numbers of connectors in mixed-grass prairie pollination networks,Larson, Diane L.; Rabie, Paul A.; Droege, Sam; Larson, Jennifer L.; Haar, Milton