
Environmental Sciences Experts

Elizabeth Cochran

The U.S. Geological Survey
United States Virgin Islands


Dr. Elizabeth Cochran is a geophysicist with the US Geological Survey in Pasadena, California. As an observational seismologist, her research ranges from studying the detailed behavior of fault slip to developing new techniques to densely observe earthquakes. Dr. Cochran conducts detailed studies of aftershock behavior, fault zone properties, and deep seismic slip (tremor). After a large earthquake, large numbers of seismic stations are installed in near the mainshock to record the hundreds to thousands of aftershocks that will occur over the subsequent months.

Research Interest

  earthquakes     earth structure     crust (earth)


  • Dixit, A.M., Ringler, A.T., Sumy, D.F., Cochran, E.S., Hough, S.E., Martin, S.S., Gibbons, S., Luetgert, J.H., Galetzka, J., Shrestha, S.N., Rajaure, S., and McNamara, D.E. (2015). Strong-Motion Observations of the M 7.8 Gorkha, Nepal, Earthquake Sequence and Development of the N-SHAKE Strong-Motion Network, Seis. Res. Letts., 86(6), 1533-1539

  • Cochran, E.S. and Kroll, K.A., 2015. Stress- and structure-controlled anisotropy in a region of complex faulting -- Yuha Desert, California, Geophys. J. Int., 202 (2): 1109-1121,

  • Harrington, R.M., Cochran, E.S., Griffiths, E.M., Zeng, X., and Thurber, C.H., Along-Strike Variations in Fault Frictional Properties along the San Andreas Fault near Cholame, California, from Joint Earthquake and Low-Frequency Earthquake Relocations, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., 106,

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