Jeffrey D Muehlbauer
The U.S. Geological Survey
United States Virgin Islands
Jeffrey D Muehlbauer his BS in Biology and Chemistry from Northern Arizona University and his MS and PhD in Ecology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has been involved in basic and applied research in a variety of river ecosystems worldwide, including dam removal in Fossil Creek, Arizona, wetland mitigation in North Carolina, and food web studies on the Danube River in Austria/Hungary/Serbia and glacially-fed rivers in Italy. His current research with USGS explores how physical conditions created by the management of Glen Canyon Dam affect macroinvertebrate communities and food webs within the Colorado River Basin, its riparian zone, and its tributaries.
Research Interest
River systems science Stream ecology Community and ecosystem ecology Aquatic macroinvertebrates Geomorphology and hydrology
Resource subsidies between stream and terrestrial ecosystems under global change,Larsen, Stefano; Muehlbauer, Jeffrey D.; Marti Roca, Maria Eugenia
Phenology of the adult angel lichen moth (Cisthene angelus) in Grand Canyon, USA, Metcalfe, Anya; Kennedy, Theodore A.; Muehlbauer, Jeffrey D.
Incorporating temporal heterogeneity in environmental conditions into a somatic growth model,Dzul, Maria C.; Yackulic, Charles B.; Korman, Josh; Yard, Michael D.; Muehlbauer, Jeffrey D.