Joseph F Mangano
The U.S. Geological Survey
United States Virgin Islands
JoJo Mangano is a geomorphologist with the USGS Oregon Water Science Center. He works on a variety of projects in the center, including cold-water refuge monitoring along the Willamette River, environmental flow studies on Willamette River tributaries, geomorphic and Quaternary mapping, water surface and bathymetric surveys of the Willamette River, lamprey habitat modeling in the Umpqua basin, and modeling bed-material transport in Western Oregon rivers.
Research Interest
cartography spatial analysis land surface characteristics streamflow sediment transport
Boat-based water-surface cross sectional elevation surveys along the upper Willamette River, Oregon, in Spring, 2015,Lind, Greg D.; Wellman, Roy; Mangano, Joseph F.
Summary of environmental flow monitoring for the Sustainable Rivers Project on the Middle Fork Willamette and McKenzie Rivers, western Oregon, 2014–15,Jones, Krista L.; Mangano, Joseph F.; Wallick, J. Rose; Bervid, Heather D.; Olson, Melissa; Keith, Mackenzie K.; Bach, Leslie
Water surface elevations recorded by submerged pressure transducers along the upper Willamette River, Oregon, Spring, 2015, Lind, Greg D.; Wellman, Roy E.; Mangano, Joseph F.