Laura Clor
Physical Science
The U.S. Geological Survey
United States Virgin Islands
Laura Clor, Physical Science Technician Cascades Volcano Observatory, M.S. Earth & Planetary Sciences (2004), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM B.A. Geology (2001), The College of Wooster, Wooster, OH
Research Interest
volcanic activity volcanic gas emission geochemistry
Water chemistry and electrical conductivity database for rivers in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, Farrar, Christopher; DeAngelo, Jacob; Williams, Colin; Grubb, Frederick; Hurwitz, Shaul
The Lassen hydrothermal system, Ingebritsen, Steven E.; Bergfeld, Deborah; Clor, Laura; Evans, William C.
Dissolved gases in hydrothermal (phreatic) and geyser eruptions at Yellowstone National Park, USA, Hurwitz, Shaul; Clor, Laura; McCleskey, R. Blaine; Nordstrom, D. Kirk; Hunt, Andrew G.; Evans, William C.