Meredith Reitz
Physical Science
The U.S. Geological Survey
United States Virgin Islands
Meredith Reitz,Research Physical Scientist Hydrologic Remote Sensing Branch, Observing Systems Division, Water
Research Interest
remote sensing hydrology water budget hydrodynamics mathematical modeling
Evenson, E., S. Worland, J. Wilson, S. Archfield, P. Barlow, M. Dalton, K. Eng, W. Farmer, L. Hay, R. Hirsch, S. Jones, M. Maupin, H. Reeves, M. Reitz, and D. Wolock (2017), Estimation of site specific water withdrawals for public-water supplies in the U.S., USGS Topical Research Team White Paper.
Reitz, M., W.E. Sanford, G. Senay, and J. Cazenas (2017), Annual estimates of recharge, quick-flow runoff, and ET for the contiguous US using empirical regression equations, 2000-2013: U.S. Geological Survey data release
Reitz, M., W.E. Sanford, G. Senay, and J. Cazenas (2017), Annual estimates of ET, recharge and quick-flow runoff for the contiguous US using empirical regression equations. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 53(4): 961-983.