Sarah Stackpoole
The U.S. Geological Survey
United States Virgin Islands
Sarah Stackpoole,Research Ecologist, The U.S geological survey
Research Interest
Stackpoole, S., E.G. Stets, D.W. Clow, D.A. Burns, G.R. Aiken, B.T. Aulenbach, I.F. Creed, R.M. Hirsch, H. Laudon, B.A. Pellerin, R.G. Striegl. 2016. Spatial and temporal patterns of dissolved organic matter quantity and quality in the Mississippi River Basin, 1997-2013. Hydrological Processes. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.11072
Stets, E. G., D. Butman, C. P. McDonald, S. Stackpoole, M. D. DeGrandpre, and R. G. Striegl. 2017. Carbonate buffering and metabolic controls on carbon dioxide in rivers. Global Biogeochemical Cycles.
Stackpoole, S. M., D. E. Butman, D. W. Clow, K. L. Verdin, B. V. Gaglioti, H. Genet, and R. Striegl. 2017. Inland waters and their role in the carbon cycle of Alaska. Ecological Applications