Scott Graham
The U.S. Geological Survey
United States Virgin Islands
Scott Graham,Geologist, The U.S Geological survey
Research Interest
volcanic activity volcanic eruption prediction volcanic gas emission cartography geospatial analysis
Wentworth, C M; Jachens, R C; Graham, S E; Graymer, R W; Hanson, R T; Mankinen, E A; Tinsley, J C; Williams, R A, 2004, Structure and stratigraphy of the Santa Clara Valley, Open-File Report 2004-1424 - U. S. Geological Survey (2004): 98.
Graham, Scott E, Wentworth, Carl M, , 2005, Derivation of a Pleistocene topographic surface map and a Holocene deposit thickness map for Santa Clara Valley, California, Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America 37. 4
Wentworth, Carl M; Tinsley, J C; Andersen, David W; Graham, S E; Jachens, R C; Mankinen, Edward A; Williams, R A; 2005, Quaternary deposits of the Santa Clara Valley, California, Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America 37. 4 (April 2005): 58.