Sunnie Grace Mccalla
The U.S. Geological Survey
United States Virgin Islands
Sunnie Grace McCalla,Geneticist Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center,Geneticist working with high-throughput sequencing approaches to understand environmental DNA signatures for the genetic identification of fish eggs and larvae for rapid screening for aquatic invasive species in partnership with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Currently conducting metabarcoding analysis of eDNA in water samples to detect fish species in a water system and diet analysis of Asian carps and common loons. Implements parallel computing with HTCondor to process bioinformatic workflows.
Research Interest
Environmental DNA eDNA Metabarcoding Next-Generation Sequencing High-Throughput Sequencing
Improving efficiency and reliability of environmental DNA analysis for silver carp,Amberg, Jon J.; McCalla, S. Grace; Monroe, Emy; Lance, Richard; Baerwaldt, Kelly; Gaikowski, Mark P.
Genetic analysis shows that morphology alone cannot distinguish asian carp eggs from those of other cyprinid species,Larson, James H.; McCalla, Sunnie; Chapman, Duane C.; Rees, Christopher B.; Knights, Brent C.; Vallazza, Jon; George, Amy E.; Richardson, William B.; Amberg, Jon
Detecting the movement and spawning activity of bigheaded carps with environmental DNA, Erickson, Richard A.; Rees, Christopher B.; Coulter, Alison A.; Merkes, Christopher; McCalla, Sunnie; Touzinsky, Katherine F; Walleser, Liza R.; Goforth, Reuben R.; Amberg, Jon