Tana Haluska
The U.S. Geological Survey
United States Virgin Islands
Tana is a Geographer for the Oregon Water Science Center in Portland, Oregon. She provides Geographic Information Systems (GIS) support to various projects in the Oregon Water Science Center and other USGS projects outside the center. Tana started working at the USGS Washington Water Science Center in Tacoma, WA in 1996 as a GIS intern. She continued working in Washington for about 2 years, after which she transferred to the Oregon Water Science Center. Tana specializes in GIS analysis of watersheds, floodplains, and channel migration.
Research Interest
geospatial analysis remote sensing spatial analysis topography bathymetry
Haluska, T.L., 2007, StreamStats and Other Analytical Uses of NHDPlus: U.S. Forest Service Geospatial '07 Conference, Abstract & Powerpoint presentation
Risley, J.; Stonewall, A.; Haluska, T.L., 2008, Estimating Flow-Duration and Low-Flow Frequency Statistics for Unregulated Streams in Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report
Snyder, Daniel T.; Haluska, Tana L.; Respini-Irwin, Darius, 2013. The Shoreline Management Tool--an ArcMap tool for analyzing water depth, inundated area, volume, and selected habitats, with an example for the lower Wood River Valley, Oregon. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2012-1247, viii, 86 p.; 4 Videos; Download Files; Mailing List.