Thomas Cronin
The U.S. Geological Survey
United States Virgin Islands
Thomas Cronin, Senior Geologist, Northeast Region, The U.S Geographical Survey
Research Interest
climate change effects of climate change benthic ecosystems biodiversity ecosystems
Cronin, T. M., 1977. Late-Wisconsin Marine Environments of the Champlain Valley (New York, Quebec). Quaternary Research 7, 238-253
Cronin, T. M. 1976. A preliminary report on the paleoecology of the southern part of the Champlain Sea as indicated by the benthonic foraminifera: in, Proceedings of the 1st Int. Symp. of Benthonic Foraminifera of Continental Margins. Maritime Sediments Spec. Publ. No. 1, pt. B, p. 379-384
Cronin, T. M. 1976. An Arctic foraminiferal fauna from Champlain Sea deposits in Ontario.Can. J. Earth Science, v. 13(12), p. 1678-82.